TIG Classes are Back!
for a limited time only

Welding practice metal
About Justin the Fabricator
Hey Everyone! My name is Justin. People usually just know me as “the Fabricator”. Almost two decades of my life have been dedicated to engineering and the automotive performance fabrication industry.
In 2015, I experienced long and boring days after being retired from the United States Navy due to a disabling injury. Since my body was unable to keep up with a typical work schedule, my first shop had to be closed. I decided to pick up a camera and make some videos for others to learn from, thus, The Fabrication Series was born on YouTube.
Since the demand grew for even more welding & fabrication knowledge, I have continuously reinvested my time and earnings back into the series to create even more outlets for learning. It is my goal to bring the world of Fabrication back in to the public eye and help train those interested in the industry with trusted practices and knowledge based on my professional experience with more instructional videos and hands on fabrication classes at our facility in Las Vegas, NV.
Thank you all for your continued support!
-Justin the Fabricator