FEED AFFLUX Version 5 — Build Blogs — The Fabrication Series


RX-7 Sub-Frame Steering Rack Drop - #FourRotorFun

RX-7 Sub-Frame Steering Rack Drop - #FourRotorFun

A necessary sub-frame and steering rack modification for 20b and 26B Rotary Engine Swaps in the FD3S Chassis.

360 Car Show 2015

360 Car Show 2015

The best coverage I could get because of something completely unexpected....

#FourRotorFun: Cooling System Part 1 - The Radiator

#FourRotorFun: Cooling System Part 1 - The Radiator

What What would you do if you found out your limitless build had no space for any kind of conventional radiator? What if you had to design something unconventional to cool down an engine that can't be replaced easily? What would you come up with?