Mustang Memes — The Fabrication Series

Mustang Memes

Perhaps you've been witnessing the onslaught of Mustang bashing (or how much bashing one did to another car in a recent video). I decided to really get to the bottom of it and see where it all started from. 

Let me make one thing exceptionally clear in this article: I don't discriminate. I never have. Whether I totally dig a vehicle or hate the hell out of it, I respect the vehicle and I know the owner has pride. Only difference with a Mustang is that I'll probably have to fix it first before I can modify it for the owner, but I digress.

That kind of pride has to be exceptionally high when you own a Mustang. No matter what model, how rare, how epic, or how unique it is - you still drive a Mustang, and you are still classed with the rest of them. Your pride really has to be there to own one. I completely respect that.

Mustangs have always been an easy target in the 4 wheeled world. Why? It's really hard to say. However, the general consensus pretty much nails it down to the fact that there are so many of them out there, and they hit pretty high on the popularity charts of many different owners. The parts and aftermarket support is more plentiful than a Civic, and it is common to see the average Honda owner jump into one immediately after losing to one in a race. 

The general legacy of the average Mustang driver is, well.... How can I put this....? There is a slew of 5 letter words commonly used to describe Mustang owners and hardly any of them are considered positive. They are at every car meet, every show, every race, an in front of every camera as they exit the scene just waiting for the inexperience to be demonstrated with the driver's right foot. 

It is for that reason that there are so many videos of Mustangs running off the road, or into a crowd of people. In fact, the source of all this memery can likely be attributed to a few things that have happened in the past few days. 

First - There is the very trending vid of the Cars & Coffee exit by the red Mustang as the owner slides on out, hits the gas, and immediately loses it into another car in the center lane. Typical - yes. 

Second - There was recently a white Mustang attempting the same style of "common Mustang exit maneuvers". You probably guessed it - fail. The driver whips hard to the right and takes out a few by bystanders on the sidewalk. Also typical? Absolutely!

Finally - Here's the best one in my opinion. The two drivers in the rented Mustang convertible leading the LAPD in a hilariously commentated chase. What makes it even better than the average Mustang on YouTube Upload? Well, it might have something to do with the donuts in the middle of the freeway, or the cop demonstrating his epic fail when attempting to deploy a stop stick. Even better was when TMZ attempted to intervene with the tour bus. What really put this at the top of my list was the completely unexpected ending where the two occupants did NOT wreck the car. Instead, they simply parked it in the middle of the road, posed for some pics with the crowd, and waited until the cops showed up to take them away. 

These 3 events in the last week have likely been the source of all the flaming over the last few days. It's been rather fun to see what people have come up with. Everything from pseudo movie trailers, photo shops of memorable movie scenes, and even the classic meme. 

So if you were wondering where this phenomenon began, one of these three vids might have something to do with it.

If you drive a Mustang - Stay strong. Other cars will probably get theirs too (maybe).